Sustainable farming solutions. Anywhere. Anytime.
Transparency is the starting point of everything we do at Vertiberry. We practice open communication within the team and with our partners as well as with our knowledge sharing, and data measurement and collection.
Lean & mean
Each action from our team serves a purpose in creating the positive impact Vertiberry strives for. We are driven and aim to reduce overhead while always moving forwards.
Innovation is in our DNA. We find solutions for hard to crack growing challenges. Where others see hurdles, we see new opportunities. We do not want to reinvent the wheel. We want to help you get better results with your crops.
Our team
Olivier Paulus
CEO & Founder
Benjamin Flasse
Agronomy – R&D Lead
Guillaume Widdershoven
Systems Engineer
Our story
It all started in a local storage room…
Alexandre and Olivier met as students and kept in touch while launching their careers. In September of 2018, Alexandre called Olivier with a wild proposition: to become a farmer. And that set in motion the creation of Urban Harvest, now Vertiberry.
A few months later, the company was up and running with a proof of concept built in the storage room of a local supermarket.
…then moved into an abandoned meat market
With the business model and technology validated, the time had come for Alexandre and Olivier to scale.
Urban Harvest expanded from 9 to 1.000 square meters of growing surface. The company then soon began growing and selling over 50.000 potted herbs per month to major retailers in Belgium.
Now we’re selling multilayer growing solutions for strawberries
Aiming to use our knowledge to the widest impact, we moved away from using our technology to grow leafy greens and towards developing and selling multilayer growing solutions for strawberries.
As a result, Vertiberry was sprouted. Same people, same purpose, different path!